Monday 4 August 2014

A "healthy disregard for the impossible".

A "healthy disregard for the impossible". the words stated by Larry Page one of Google's founders and current CEO.

Larry Page was giving a speech to a graduate class in Michigan 2009 when he made that statement. 

We often look at seemingly impossible tasks and are defeated before we even begin to try, a negative mindset towards something will certainly not help. we may look at ourselves as one small person what possibly difference could we make? I sit here also being some what a realist, always looking at the reality and the finer details not having the courage to move forward with great ideas or dreams. Then I see a man like Larry Page and what he has achieved today.

He started out having to use all his credit cards to finance the first few hard drives for his great idea, this idea starting while laying in bed  one night in his university dormitory and turning into something amazing!

Today Google is one of the biggest and voted the top company to work for worth a net total of approximately $23 billion, once again all starting from a young student laying in bed.  

As a young man myself i find myself at the "beginning" of my life so to speak, so many possibilities, so many opportunities, the world awaits. It is an exciting yet scary thought. My thoughts today are to keep a positive and focused mind set, not to be swayed by the many worldly views and attitudes but to define myself, formulate my own ideas and opinions and to be pro active in thinking always. I think we can gain inspiration from the greats such as Larry Page after all he is only a human as we all are and is using his talents and skills to the best of his ability.

it is also interesting to note that Larry mentions his family a great deal in his speech and the importance of his family and how supportive they were on his journey a value i admire.

See the link below for the full speech by Larry Page 


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