Wednesday 6 August 2014

Risky Business.... or maybe not ? “ Perseverance and audacity generally win ”

 “In the same way that I tend to make up my mind about people within thirty seconds of meeting them, I also make up my mind about whether a business proposal excites me within about thirty seconds of looking at it. I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” Richard Branson 
The words of who I call the crazy man! After reading Sir Richard Branson book "Losing my Virginity" a book I highly recommend it changed my perceptions on taking a risk, the courage or bold step that needs to be made.
Branson had learning difficulties growing up and struggled in school, reading, writing and speeches were not his strong points. Today he runs an empire, has written a book and does many talks all over the world. He took so many risks and still does in the effort to build the Virgin brand. Virgin started as a small record company, grew into a recording studio and record label which has signed some of the greats and has grown further into the many areas it is involved in today such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Money and many many more. Branson had what can simply be put as balls! Virgin Cola ??? who did he think he was to take on the greats Coca Cola and Pepsi? well Branson did!

As I have said I have always been a realist, look and analyse all situations deeply. In business I would think this would be wise to ensure the success of any venture. Branson based a lot of his business ventures on feeling, passion, and his own perseverance and drive. He also had a heallthy disregard the impossible and know one could tell him that something could not be or should not be done. Once his mind was made up he put 100% into everything he did.

I think we can learn a lot from this, yes we should look at the facts and figures but also how we feel about any venture or idea. Facts and figures can provide us with certain details but they do not take into account that we all think differently and work differently. "One mans junk is another mans treasure" a very true statement.

Sometimes we have to take that bold step, the courage and self confidence that no matter what the world may say and think we have our own ideas and can prove to all that nothing is impossible.

Bransons bold approach to business inspires me to put myself out there, get out of the comfort zone and work harder than ever, this is surely a recipe for success.

His business philosophy was to surround himself with good hard working people, without the team Branson has supporting him the Virgin brand would not be what it is today and that goes for any business. he treats his employee's with the utmost respect and values very single one of their contributions to the Virgin group.

Once we have pushed ourselves to take this big step perseverance is a big factor in the success of anything we try to do. It will always get difficult, it is what we learn from those moments that only makes us even stronger for further challenges.

" The Miracle Isn't That I have Finished. The Miracle Is That I Had The Courage To Start"

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