Monday 18 August 2014

The Power of SOCIAL MEDIA in Business

While looking at various aspects and my own experience with social media platforms, I realise more and more the true power they have unfortunetely yes in some ways negative aspects but in many positive aspects as well.

I was asked a while a go by the marketing manager of a Cafe in Bostwana advice when using social media. My main answer was make it interesting. Many business Facebook or Twitter accounts are very focused on pushing a product or service and that is it. Whilst yes I agree your main objective would be to advertise and promote your product or service I do not feel this forms a relationship or interaction with the target market or client.

In my opinion a business should have a website, this is their foundation online and in the digital marketing space, This will have the basic details the company profile, their products and services and a contact page.

A social media page however I feel should be "the personality of a brand", it should be fun and inviting as well as interactive with people. It acts as a supporting tool to engage current clients and potential clients and drive traffic to your website which has further details. This process also helps with search engine optimisation for your website.

A social media page for example a cafe should not only have the food specials on it, but share a joke or wish all your Facebook friends or Twitter followers a good weekend, put up interesting quotes. All this portrays your brand and your business personality. Our consumers are all human and we need to grab their attention and communicate with them on a human level. If the page is more exciting and interactive we can form a relationship with our clients make our brand exciting.

Social media also allows two way traffic, you can post and show clients various details and receive feedback as well. This helps with market research and gaining further information about your market, it helps to define your target market.

Each social media platform has their own strength, for example Google + helps with search engine optimisation, Facebook is very interactive great for market research and  for pictures, Twitter is good for sending out quick information and quotes, Linked in for a more professional profile. When these platforms are used to their full potential they can be a great digital marketing strategy run on very little or no budget

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