Monday 4 August 2014

An Introduction to my Blog

"If you can dream it you an achieve it" I distinctly remember this being written in a card received from a family member before some big exams i was writing. these words have stuck with me since then and I am working on putting them into action!

I have entitled this blog "It is only the beginning" as this is a personal view of where I am in my life at the present moment. I feel as if I am at the start of great things and that there is so much yet to come, new possibilities, opportunities, revolutions.

This blog will have small write ups of some of my thoughts on various items, from stories and research into some of the greatest business minds, my thoughts on economic times and inspirational thoughts. I have a new found passion for speeches as they can often encompass so many wise words an advise portrayed many different ways depending on the writer.

I am currently working in the marketing field, online marketing and events management and loving it, so I will also share some thoughts and ideas about this.

As a young man of 22 I feel excited about the future and would like to share my thoughts on how to keep positive, motivated and focused.

I hope this will give you a view of the world from my eyes and inspire other young and old people to take life by the horns and make the absolute best of it. As the saying goes "YOLO" You Only Live ONCE!

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